About TLIF


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เมื่อ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2565 18.12 น.



TILF stands for transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. It is one of many methods to cure the chronically back pain. Some patients might never hear before, but this article will describe what TILF is and what its process for treatment is. 



TLIF (Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion)


TLIF or transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion is a medical treatment which processes through surgery. The operation will be performed at the lower back for spinal fusion surgery, removing the intervertebral disc will let the physician connect two or more spiral bones with screws and cages. This TLIF method will take the part to treat the dislocated spinal joint that affects the nerves and causes pain all over the back. 



TLIF Benefits


Some patients might be curious about why their physician suggests TLIF as a medical treatment for their back pain. Actually, there are various types of medical treatments invented for curing back pain and TLIF is one of them. 

TLIF is a surgical method, it helps patients to reduce their medicament by surgery, which is the solution to the pain problem at its root. The improvement in quality of life is absolutely important, TLIF will help your lower back and legs to function better. The decrease in numbness and pain caused by nerve problems is one of the impressive results. Moreover, the spine of the patient will be located in the proper place. It can be said TLIF is the top most effective method to deal with back pain problems caused by the spine.



When is TLIF Necessary


When it relates to a surgical operation such as TLIF, some patients may be concerned that the back pain they have to encounter at that time is a severe disease or something that has to be abruptly dealt with. TLIF is advised for patients who have met these conditions:


  1. The patients who suffered from the discogenic lower back pain. 

  2. The patients who encounter the pain by spondylolisthesis, or the pain that occurs from the slip forward of vertebrae. Although it can happen anywhere along the spine, it normally happens in the lower back. 

  3. The stenosis of the lateral recess or the lumbar canal is caused by the discogenic back pain, the unstable of the spine and the effect from past surgery which impacts the nerves. 

  4. The prolapse from ages which is possible to press on nerve roots can be caused by past surgery, the discogenic lower back pain, the unstable of the spine and the removing disc surgery which possibly to be the reason for the unstable. 



Preparation for TLIF


TLIF is related to surgery, it needs to be prepared thoroughly. The preparation will follow step by step.


  1.  The first thing that the patient needs to be concerned about is whether their health is ready for the surgery or not. A health examination is a must to be performed, including MRI or magnetic resonance imaging, to ensure the health condition of the patients.

  2. The second thing is the medication of the patient. TLIF procedure needs information on the patient’s allergy or medication history, especially aspirin and warfarin group.  The physician needs to gather the information for the TLIF procedure in the future and informed the patient to restrain 1 week before the surgery. 

  3. The last thing to be concerned about is anaesthesia. The patient will be performed TLIF which can be counted as a major surgery, so anaesthesia will definitely be used for the TLIF procedure.




 TLIF Procedure


For the TLIF method, it is the major surgery which performed at the lower back of the patient. These are the sequences of the TLIF procedure.


  1. The preparation: The patient will be prepared to receive the TLIF surgery by receiving anaesthesia. They will be placed in an antiseptic solution all over the area that needs to be performed during the surgery.

  2.  Approaching the spine: The most important thing to performing this surgery is the cut must be as tiny as possible. The surgeon will cut the between 2-4 inches vertical incision above the afflicted vertebra. This is to make the entrance for the TLIF. 

  3. Input the screw: The screws in the TLIF procedure are the method for stabilising the spinal that has been treated. The fixation from the screw will support the vertebra.

  4. Reaching the disc space: This step will allow the surgeon to access the injured disc with the least damage to the important nerve.

  5. Putting the bone graft: The next step for the TLIF procedure is to put the interbody spacer that contains the bone graft in the area where the disc has been removed. 

  6. Interbody spacer: After removing the disc and replacing it with the interbody spacer, the process of restoration will begin. This process will recreate the disc and spinal alignment as it should be located normally. 

  7. The fixation of the vertebra: After using the screws to fixate the vertebra, there will be an x-ray to scan the location of the screws and to ensure the fixation. 

  8. Stitching the wound: The last step is to close the wound by stitching. Although it is the last step, if they are careless, the wound might be infected and complicated. 



TLIF Conclusion 


TLIF is an effective way to treat lower back pain caused by a spinal dislocated or unstable vertebra. To treat this pain productively, TLIF is one of the options to cure it besides the alternative treatment. TLIF will bring back the spine and vertebra to where they should be located and prevent further pain from the important nerve being pressured by them. 



แก้ไขครั้งที่ 2 โดย GUEST1649747579 เมื่อ2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2565 20.31 น.


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TLIF is a surgical method, it helps patients to reduce their medicament by surgery, which is the solution to the pain problem at its root. The improvement in quality of life is absolutely important, TLIF will help your lower back and legs to function better. The decrease in numbness and pain caused by nerve problems is one of the impressive results. Moreover, the spine of the patient will be located in the proper place. It can be said TLIF is the top most effective method to deal with back pain problems caused by the spine. Salesforce PDII Dumps Questions Answers

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