Mrs. Kim Jung-sook of Prague "Where is my husband?"
MRS . Moon Jae - in , wife of President Kim Jong - sook , cried out in Prague , " Where is our husband ?" MR . Moon , the WHO is the Visiting Is the Czech Republic , Visited in Prague, Czech Republic. 'S Vitus Cathedral with Mrs First . Kim prior to talks with Prime Minister Andrei Bobby on Monday morning ( local time ). The President and his wife prayed in the cathedral here and watched the castle of St . Vaclava . MRS . Kim 'S " Cry " ends Is the Tour and leaves Vitus Cathedral . MRS . Kim , the WHO was looking closely AT Is the Vitus Cathedral , was Left alone of without Seeing Mr First . Moon go out first . MRS . Kim is 프로토기록식 jumped out of the cathedral and shouted , " Where is my husband ?" She clasped her husband 's arms and made the scene smile . Choi Jung - Dong reporter
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