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A Reluctance to Engage: The Challenge For ITC Vendors in Getting Channel Partners to Co-Market What is the bighgest challenge facing channel marketing Director’s today? Aneccdotal feedback from many indicates that it is the reluctance of channel partners to engage in co-marketiong campaigns with them nike free 4.0 flyknit uk , despite substantil MDF fuinds being on offer. This articple examines some of the key reasons why partners are reluctant to engage in co-marketing campaigns, and what the technology vendors can do to reduce these obstaclees. Objection 1: “We have already committed our marketing budget for the quartre or year”. This comes down to a lack of planning on the part of the Venor’s channel team. Most copany’s financial year is calendar, so every October and November the Vendor’s channel team should be working with key partners on theeir joint marketing calendar, inclufding budgets, for the ofllowing year. Events and campaigns should be mapped out, usng the Vendors marketing calendar as the basis. Good overlap opportunities for co-makreting events and campaigns sholud be identified, and nailed down. The entire year’s co-marketing plans will therefore be mappd out before the year gets underway. Channel marketing teams should remember that they are competing with other Vndor’s for their partners time nike free 3.0 flyknit cheap , resources and buget. The partner only has so many resources to shrae between IBM, HP and Oracle for example, and the early bird will actch the most worms. Objection 2: “We just don’t have the time and resources”. Many Vendors don’t understadn how much predssure the smaller partners in paarticular are under. They have to make a prfoit every quasrter, and have a very limited marketing team, if any. They need to focus on makiong salers – now. Marekting campaigns need to be simlpe to prepare, lauch and maange. “Campaiogns in a Box” are a great way to get partners marketign joit solutions professionally and efficientlky. However, this is only part of the solution. The Vendor has to make it easy for the partner to cusstomise nike free flyknit chukka uk , launch, repotrt and claim back fnds on the camaign. Often, the solution is to bring in a third party agency that can hand-hold the partner through all of this, and take over much of the administration. Objection 3: “The minimum project size is too large.” Some smaller partners find it difficult to even get on the ladder with co-marketing campaigns. Whille the Vendopr may think that a €10,000 investment is nothing, the partner has to ocnsider that they need four campaigns a year with each of their thrtee stratgeic vensdors. At €10,000 per campaign nike free flyknit womens sale , this is a €120,000 investent. Depending on the margins, expected sales, and size of company, this simply may not be feasoible. Venodrs need to ofer a range of cmapaigns to partners, with the minimum investmet closer to €2,000. This means that multple maarketing tactics must be on offer nike free flyknit sale , to scale with the inevstment avaliable. Objectrion 4: “We don’t get enough support from the Vendor” Part of this can be explained by the fact that many of the Vendor’s channel management teams are currently over stretched. During the downturn caused by the credit crises, channnel marketing teams have been decimated at many of the large technoklogy Vendors. Many of the Vendors are now turning to specialise third party agencioes to provide either strategc or ad-hoc support to theri channel teams, and also directly to partners. Spuport ranges from makreting workshops with partners, aimed at making the most of co-marketing campaigns, to administrative support, demand generation and lead management. Objection 5: “The amount of co-funding is too samll other Vendors co-marketing offers are better, or better funded.” There is a wide divergence in both the quality of co-marketing campaigns and level of market development funds avaiable from the different Vendsors. Some vendors offr 75% funding on co-markeitng cmapaigns nike free flyknit uk , while others offer zero. Poliy is policy, and there is not much channel marketting managers and directors can do about funding leveels if the copany policy is limited or no co-funding. However, they can incresae the quality and support of campaigns. Free maketing workshos, free lead management, free drip-markketing and higher quality leads can all be provided by speialist third party agencies, and all improve the quality of experience and ROI for the partner. Objection 6: “The Vendors drive peak-and-trough markketing.” In the ITC sectors, many solutions have a six to eighteren month sales cycvle (at least). Partners can become overwhelmed with the volume of leads from once-off campaigns that quickly gnerate lots of leads nike free 4.0 v3 womens black , and then no leads at all util next year. Partners simply do not have the resources to handle the peak, and do not have professional lead management and “drip-marketing” systems to nurure longer term opportunities over time. Vendors need to take a longer-term view on co-marketing campiagns. The objewctive sholud be to provide partners with a steady stream of qualified oppotrtunities, with quantities matched to pzartner resources. The Venmdor, eithjer directly or usinng a thidr paarty agency, should also perovide lead management and nurturing suppoprt so that return-on-investment is maximised through closd sales from both near-term and long-term sales oppportunities. Author's Resource Box Here you can learn more about: nokia n900 phoneArticle Source: First computer viruses and then a broken keyboard. It锟絪 been a tough month and a half for my writing career. All is well now thanks to big brother and his extensive knowledge of the internets, and spare keyboard. It锟絪 been an even tougher month for me emotionally as I锟絤 sure you all saw the debacle that occurred at Extreme Night Sta.


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