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แก้ไขเมื่อ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2566 18.51 น. โดย เจ้าของเรื่องเล่า

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4) Ordering Cialis online without a prescription

อ่านบทความตามต้นฉบับ อ่านบทความเฉพาะข้อความ

Cialis is one of the leading drugs that have been on the market till date for treating erectile dysfunction. Being currently valued at about $4.4 Billion it is no surprise there are many question on your mind that you are embarrassed to ask. However here is a complete informative Q/A that will help you get past the information and open a whole new world of information on the drug. Furthermore, if you are willing to order Cialis pills online needed from Order 4 Meds. So without further ado let’s begin answering some of the most common FAQ’s.

Ordering Cialis online without a prescription?

Putted simply you can Buy Cialis online without any prescription. There are many online pharmacies that openly sell the drug online claiming being Canadian, British or American. However, the quality and manufacturer that is the source of the drug matters most. Buying the drug online is easy yet finding the right online pharmacy that guarantees the quality, delivery and other things count too while buying drug online. Shady sources are to be dodged as there are a lot of reported cases of either loss of money or receiving pills that not work.

Do they really work?

The drugs-Cialis does actually work and enable men to achieve erection. It works but achieving and maintaining erection are a big part of sex and the drug doesn’t guarantee satisfactory experience for either participants.  So, yes the drug helps you have better sex but it doesn’t induce sexual feeling.

Cialis v/s Viagra

Though the mechanism of the drug is similar, there are certain differences between them that are:


Taking Viagra 100 Mg pills means having 4 hours of erection, though not guaranteed users have experience erection within 30 min of ingestion that can or may not have been stimulated. The erection lasts for 3-5 hours until the drug is out of system.


It is completely different from Viagra, while one directly results in erection, Cialis 40 Mg pill helps in heightening the chances and frequency of achieving erection while being in your system that is somewhere in 1 to 3 days. Thus simulation is needed for the drug to come in its full effect and can fast a full weekend.


The drug on online pharmacy stores and online can cost you somewhere around $156 to $166 per pill. But at order 4 meds you can order Cialis 20 Mg online cheaper than where you can save up to $10 per pill.



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