Many gamers are calling for the elimination of NPCs in each WOTLK classic


เขียนโดย Emilylowes

วันที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2565 เวลา 22.21 น.

  7 ตอน
  6 วิจารณ์
  4,747 อ่าน

แก้ไขเมื่อ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2565 22.23 น. โดย เจ้าของนิยาย

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2) The ability to select between two weapons with one hand

อ่านบทความตามต้นฉบับ อ่านบทความเฉพาะข้อความ

Hydra's Bite Bitchery, Steel Trap, Tip of the Spear as well as Flanking Strike will all have an increase in damage.The Focus cost of Chakrams will be reduced.Mage Arcane Explosion, WoTLK Gold as well as Mirror Image will be available to all specializations of mage. Fire Ward and Frost Ward have been restored to serve as Mage defenses. Alter Time has also been reinstated and has Mages being able to return to their previous location with the same mana and health after having used it for another time.

A new skill known as Focus Magic will grant an allies with a bonus critical hit chance when they cast their spell. If an ally is hit with critical hit with the spell, Arcane Mages will receive the same bonus for a limited time.

Clearcasting will come with the benefit of an extra stack.Mastery: Savant will extend the damaging abilities from Arcane Blast and Barrage to all spells.Touch of the Magi is removed from the talent treeand instead, it can be used as a standard Arcane ability.Enlightened can be added to the talent tree as a brand new ability, which will allow to deal with all Arcane damage when the caster's mana is above the threshold. It will switch to mana regeneration once the mana level of the caster falls below this threshold.

mastery. Ignite is being redesigned to give greater control over Ignite.Fireblast can act as catalyst, spreading to as many as eight enemies when it is cast upon the Ignited enemy.Blast Wave will do more damage, and an extended duration of slow added on.Kindling cooling down will also increase. increased.Pyroclasm Damage bonus can be raised.

In addition, Flurry's Winter Chill debuff will have an extended debuff which causes the next two spells to consider the target frozen, thereby increasing the chance of critical hits for the mage as well as allies.Monk Expel Harm and fortifying Brew, Spinning Crane Kick along with Touch of Death will be available to any Monk to use regardless of their the specialization they choose to use. Specializations of all kinds can summon their Celestial by using Invoke Xuen which is The White Tiger; Invoke Niuzao or the Black Ox as well as Invoke Yu'lon which is The Jade Serpent.

The ability to select between two weapons with one hand or two 2-handed weapons.The Shuffle passive ability is returning.Celestial Brew will be added as a new skill which absorbs damage according to the drinker's attack power. WoTLK Classic Gold can now use Nuzao which is which is the black Ox.Touch of Death will end any creature that has lower in health to that of the Monk.Celestial Flames will be added as a brand new ability that will increase its Breath of Fire's ability to reduce damage as well as expanding the damage effect that occurs periodically on all targets struck by Spinning the Crane Kick.Exploding Keg will return as a tree option for talent which will burn enemies upon impact while blinding the target for a short amount of time.



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