Back Pain and How It Affects


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back pain


Back pain is a common symptom for the working ages and elders. However, it seems to widen the range to students too. Back pain is something which people think of it as a common thing that they do not have to pay attention to. Actually, back pain is not something to be overlooked, this article will point out what is the cause of back pain and how to treat it. 



Back Pain Symptoms


According to the research, back pain is one of the common aches which occur in any part of the back, but sometimes it can be related to buttock pain and leg pain. Some people may be curious why other parts of the body are also in pain at the same time as encountering back pain, the cause is that our back is one part of the nerve centre.

Normally, most of all back pain will be gone by itself. However, if the back pain comes with the following symptoms, it means that you should see the doctor instead of waiting for it to be gone.


  • Back pain that comes with numbness around buttocks, anus and genitals. 

  • Back pain that comes with the inflammation or the back of the patient is swollen up. 

  • Back pain that comes with the pain below the knees.

  • Back pain that comes with difficult urination

  • Back pain that comes with leaking problems like urinary incontinence and faecal incontinence.

  • The back pain cannot be healed after resting or lying down. 

  • The occurrence of unexplained fever or weight loss during the same period of back pain or a recent back injury.



What Causes Back Pain


Usually, back pain occurs without a cause that can obviously be illustrated by the test. 


  • Arthritis can be affected the lower back. There is a case in which arthritis in the spine leads to the narrowing of the spinal cord. 

  • Osteoporosis is also one of the causes of back pain. If the bones are not strong or brittle, it will cause the vertebrae to break leading to severe pain. 

  • The ruptured disk can be the cause of back pain but not always. However, there is a chance that the bulging or the ruptured disk will be pressed on the nerve and caused back pain. 

  • Muscle or ligament strain is also the cause of back pain, it occurs through improper movement of the body that is repeated and causes strain on the muscle.



Medical Treatment for Back Pain 


If you encounter back pain, the most common treatment is to rest and lay down for a while and take some anti-inflammation medication such as ibuprofen. This process will relieve the stiffness of the back that is caused by daily activities. Not only medication, hot and cold compress also reduce the pain, all of these methods can relieve back pain by yourself without seeing the doctor.

However, there is a chance that self-treatment will not effective. Then you should see the doctor to receive the proper treatment. Here are the medical treatments:


  1. Medication: In case the painkiller could not help to relieve, the doctor might instead prescribe a muscle relaxant or NSAID; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as hydrocodone or codeine. The patient’s prescription will be in the doctor’s care because some substances in it are narcotics. 

  2. Cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT: This method can help chronic back pain patients by encouraging them to exercise and be optimistic. There are also relaxation techniques that will be provided to relieve the back pain too.

  3. Physical therapy: This method will relieve the back pain through ultrasound and electrical stimulation. The cold and the heat can be used to perform release the muscle for reducing the pain too. 

  4. Botox injection: It can paralyse the sprained muscle and reduce the pain from that area for around 3-4 months. 

  5. Cortisone injection: The cortisone will be injected into the area around the spinal cord, and cortisone will directly reduce the inflammation at the nerve roots. 

  6. Traction: This method will stretch the back with pulleys and weights to move the herniated disk back to the proper place.  



Back Pain Prevention


As it is mentioned, back pain is caused by various factors related to daily life. For back pain prevention, it can also reduce the chance of back pain occurrence by changing daily behaviour too. 

  • Fixing the stand and sit posture: The proper stand will keep the pelvis in a neutral position and the proper sit will not lead to muscle strain. 

  • Exercise and diet: This method will keep the body strong and also control weight. There are also exercises that strengthen and improve the flexibility of the core. Taking enough vitamin D and calcium is also important.

  • Lifting: When you have to lift something up, use the force from your leg instead of your back and do not twist when you lift something. 

  • Bed and shoes: Make sure to sleep on a mattress that keeps your spine straight and wear flat shoes to keep the strain away from the back muscle. 



Back Pain Conclusion


In conclusion, back pain is one of the common things which occurred in almost everybody in society making some of you neglect it. However, back pain is still something that you can cope with or fix by yourself if it is not too severe. If there is any sign of abnormalities, you should see the doctor and follow their suggestion. 




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